
The client came to us with a task “to correct positioning” of a product. As a result, the team of WANTED almost completely re-invented the project from the idea and UI to all visual components – corporate identity, movies, etc. EFORB is a social market of goods and services, where consumers can directly connect, interact with each other being a representative of a product or service and a client at the same time.

A mix of the best solutions from eBay, Craigslist, Alibaba, and other global trade sites. But for all that, EFORB is not a competitor to them, since it is an aggregator providing traffic to this kind of platforms. In the view of market saturation and the presence of successful competitors, it is a huge plus for a startup getting on its feet.

A team of over twenty specialists was involved in the development of EFORB.com. Within three months of working on the project we have done: product strategy, positioning and monetization strategy, media strategy, corporate identity, a desktop version and mobile version (mobiles, tablets), 3 promotional videos for the US market, campaign materials, partners database and patterns of interaction with them.

This is not counting hundreds of little things: branded illustrations, copyright of website, notifications grid, retention components schemes, presentation of the project in different languages, etc.

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