Video-production for pizzerie Morava

Pizzerie Morava is a small place in Brno, Czech Republic. We help our client to reach the point of profitability in many ways, including SMM support.

That is how «the History of pizza in 90 seconds» video emerged. Production took us only two working days, and the entire resource for the shooting was provided by pizzeria staff. The idea, filming, and editing of the video – all was done by our team. Enjoy!

TATRA Trucks landing page

For one of the world’s first car manufacturer (TATRA TRUCKS), we launched a landing page oriented at Russian B2B market. The page allows you to get familiarized with their TATRA PHOENIX, informs you on its advantages, allows you to calculate the profit you can get from cooperation with TATRA, and much more. Other brand activities are planned for the next year.
