PromoRepublic Web Academy

For our friends from PromoRepublic, we have developed a website for conducting webinars. On the platform, you can get acquainted with past events (access to which is only available to users), and sign up for upcoming events


Since early 2017 we have been a technical partner of one of the best Ukrainian music media The range of our duties includes developing new opportunities, launching new projects and technical innovations

Skies PR campaign: poster, website, media support

The client came to us with an almost developed alpha version of MMORPG and FPS mixture and with a desire to tell the world about it. Therefore, we developed a concept of launching the project on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight. Upon the product launch supported by a PR campaign, we reached hundreds of publications in the western (excluding domestic) press, thousands of likes, and as a consequence, entering the game into the Steam Greenlight TOP-30 (the game continues to move up towards the TOP-10). On the world’s largest playground no Ukrainian project has achieved such a result within 15 days.

Made by WANTED: SMM strategy, a database of the top relevant journalists and direct communication with them, Kickstarter page design, website, competitor analysis, and competitive positioning strategy, PR strategy and press kit, POS-materials, etc.

The client came to us with a task “to correct positioning” of a product. As a result, the team of WANTED almost completely re-invented the project from the idea and UI to all visual components – corporate identity, movies, etc. EFORB is a social market of goods and services, where consumers can directly connect, interact with each other being a representative of a product or service and a client at the same time.

A mix of the best solutions from eBay, Craigslist, Alibaba, and other global trade sites. But for all that, EFORB is not a competitor to them, since it is an aggregator providing traffic to this kind of platforms. In the view of market saturation and the presence of successful competitors, it is a huge plus for a startup getting on its feet.

A team of over twenty specialists was involved in the development of Within three months of working on the project we have done: product strategy, positioning and monetization strategy, media strategy, corporate identity, a desktop version and mobile version (mobiles, tablets), 3 promotional videos for the US market, campaign materials, partners database and patterns of interaction with them.

This is not counting hundreds of little things: branded illustrations, copyright of website, notifications grid, retention components schemes, presentation of the project in different languages, etc.

Viral seeding for JWT/Shell

Ambient advertisement created by JWT, Ukraine for Shell. We made viral seeding for this project.

Video-production for pizzerie Morava

Pizzerie Morava is a small place in Brno, Czech Republic. We help our client to reach the point of profitability in many ways, including SMM support.

That is how «the History of pizza in 90 seconds» video emerged. Production took us only two working days, and the entire resource for the shooting was provided by pizzeria staff. The idea, filming, and editing of the video – all was done by our team. Enjoy!

TATRA Trucks landing page

For one of the world’s first car manufacturer (TATRA TRUCKS), we launched a landing page oriented at Russian B2B market. The page allows you to get familiarized with their TATRA PHOENIX, informs you on its advantages, allows you to calculate the profit you can get from cooperation with TATRA, and much more. Other brand activities are planned for the next year.
