Xenoss.io website relaunch

Almost every week we launch new products for our customers. This week has no exception – we are happy to announce the relaunch of an updated site for the Xenoss team!

Pibox landing v2

We launched the first version of the landing a year ago. This year Pibox team asked us to make layouts for an updated design version with a dark style. We have delivered the result in a couple of days, so probably this is one of the fastest projects!

OMO landing page

The personal mobile assistant OMO is designed to become an integral part of every person’s life, make it easier, and deliver comfort and safety.

We made a layout from the design concept and integrated it into the WordPress platform. At the moment we are working on other client tasks, stay tuned!

Crello marketing calendar

In the meantime, we are presenting a new WordPress project created for Crello. This marketing calendar will allow marketers and SMM specialists to always be aware of current holidays and quickly find the necessary design templates for any communication task!

Webpromo rebranding

Webpromo is one of the most famous digital advertisement agencies in Ukraine. They have asked us to develop a fresh looking logo on the old logo basis.

We’ve saved a search icon as a part of the logo structure but changed the emotion for client customers. Now Webpromo looks as cool, as works. Good work, team!

Wetterheld landing page

WETTERHELD offers easy, fast, 100% online weather insurance for businesses that lose revenue or incur higher costs due to bad weather (rain, temperature, snow).

For decades, big businesses hedged their weather risks via weather insurance. They had a competitive edge over smaller businesses. Smaller businesses lacked the expertise and critical mass that was required to arrange a good weather insurance contract because complicated manual calculations and high sales provisions meant prohibitive costs.

WETTERHELD offers weather insurance even to the smallest business.

We’ve made a simple and fancy landing page based on WordPress technology. At the moment our team is working on a marketing strategy for the product launch.

C2C branding

C2C.deals – a service of guaranteed exchange of cryptocurrency. Exchange cryptocurrency for cash: anonymously, safely, with a guarantee of a fair deal.

Eforb Gamebox

The task from a client was complex: to unite in a single corporate style an updated positioning of gaming department + customize a solution for a by-product – embedded mini-games under the same name.

Having cast aside over two dozen options, the client’s team settled upon an ambitious version of the world as a game cube with the slogan “Let’s play the world!”. Based on the given direction we designed a pool of required elements: an animated version, envelopes, business cards, dozens of printed documents, presentation, distribution, and design for social networks.


Stalo (UNDP) contest logo design

Just finished naming, logo, and site for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ukraine contest in Ukraine and Delo.ua. It was perhaps the fastest work of our team — only a few days from the brief to the results.
