Stalo (UNDP) contest branding and landing production

Just finished naming, logo, and site for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ukraine contest in Ukraine and It was perhaps the fastest work of our team — only a few days from the brief to the results.

200 millions for Depositphotos

Depositphotos library grew twice the size in just two years, and this is the story of how they made it to 200 million files. We’ve developed landing page based on client’s design.

Visit to check this project.

Mixdigital website

MixDigital is a company that is part of Admixer Holding. Mainly engaged in any kind of digital advertising that can help the client achieve their goals. We have developed a multi-page website based on WordPress, where we helped the client to implement all his wishes. website

We delivered to our client not only a customized theme for WordPress but also a scope of additional functionality for simple editing. This solution saved over 50% cost for further project pages.

Newxel landing pages

Newxel is a high-tech company that provides its customers with a wide range of IT services. In the process of developing a new site, the old site required several custom landing pages, which were implemented by our team in the shortest possible time

Adsider Digital Conference 2021

We are happy to present a freshly new WordPress project for Adsider LIVE / Digital Marketing Boost 2021 Join one of the biggest marketing conferences on the CIS market! We’ve also integrated Woocommerce functionality to help the client sell their tickets faster with better control.

Outsource Ukraine landing page

The company Outsource Ukraine is engaged in professional recruiting of specialists from Ukraine to work in Croatia. We have created a landing page based on customer requirements for communicating online with their B2B clients


Pibox landing v2

We launched the first version of the landing a year ago. This year Pibox team asked us to make layouts for an updated design version with a dark style. We have delivered the result in a couple of days, so probably this is one of the fastest projects! website development

The personal mobile assistant OMO is designed to become an integral part of every person’s life, make it easier, and deliver comfort and safety.

We made a layout from the design concept and integrated it into the WordPress platform. At the moment we are working on other client tasks, stay tuned!
